Friday, July 18, 2014

Donors Choose Round Two: Let us Learn with Graphic Novels and Nonfiction!

Do you ever remember sitting in your seat as a middle school student pretending to read? You did this because you didn't understand the book, or it was not interesting to you and you probably didn't have the option to choose another book. So, you sat in misery, pretending to read.
My school has roughly 920 students, and of those 920 students nearly 70% are on the district's Free and Reduced Meal program, because their families cannot afford the standard cost of $2.75 for lunch.
Out of those 920 students, I teach approximately 140 of them over the span of 5 classes. My students and I have the same goal in mind-becoming stronger and more fluent readers.
My students will be able to use these books on a daily basis! These books will be organized and placed in our classroom library where students will have access to them at the beginning of class, when they finish work early, at the end of class, or even at lunch. Students will have the opportunity to read these books in class or check them out and take them wherever they go.
For struggling readers, reading can be a daunting and overwhelming task. This project will truly make a difference by giving my students the power of choice. My students will have the variety of literature that they need, and with your support will include engaging graphic novels and creative nonfiction texts.  
Here is the link to help out my students: 
Help me get the word out about our project because my students need more choices in the books they read, graphic novels to gain interest for struggling readers, and nonfiction to create a foundation for critical thinking. 
Be a Hero!


  1. I love your blog look and am looking forward to following you!

  2. Thank you so much! I am a superhero nerd, which definitely influenced the look of it. Happy to have you following me :)
